We record our talks and make them available here. You can watch them through YouTube (which we appreciate for bandwidth reasons) or you can download a copy for offline use. Enjoy!
- May 2021 Lightning Talks
- Literate Programming with Org Mode
- Managing Email in Emacs with mu4e
- November 2020 Lightning Talks
- Bring Your Text to Life the Easy Way with GNU Hyperbole
- Emacs For Writers
- Searching the Web with engine-mode
- How I Use org-capture and Stuff
- A Pretty Good Introduction to Pretty Good Privacy
- Org-mode for Reproducible Research
- Keyboard Macro Workshop
- The Editor of a Lifetime
- Impersonating Logo with Emacs Lisp
- Writing Games in Emacs
- Introduction to evil-mode
- Upgrading IPython with Emacs
- Emacs as a Python IDE
- IRC with ERC
- An Introduction to Emacs Lisp
Video by The New York Emacs Meetup is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.