Monthly Meetup—Impersonating Logo with Emacs Lisp
6:30 PM EDT (GMT-0400)
WeWork Soho West
8th floor lounge
69 Charlton St.
New York, NY 10014
As usual, we’ll be starting at 6:30 with pizza and beer!
Ray Puzio will be presenting on Emacs Mutant Anime Turtles: Impersonating Logo with Emacs Lisp:
Ray will show us his implementation of turtle graphics in emacs and take us under the shell to see how it works. Turtle graphics are a way of drawing pictures in which one provides a series of directions such as “move forward” or “turn left” to steer the pen. (The name comes from the fact that the original implementation involved a robotic turtle as output device controlled by the computer.) In addition to providing a useful and entertaining program, this talk will also discuss techniques of pbm graphics and the use of a buffer for drawing which are of general use when doing graphics in emacs.