Monthly Meetup—Searching the Web with engine-mode
6:30 PM EST (GMT-0500)
thoughtbot NYC
1st floor of the WeWork at Bryant Park
54 W. 40th St.
New York, NY
Jonathan Magen will be presenting How I Use org-capture and Stuff:
Org-capture is a great way to take notes and plan in Emacs. Capture templates provide a flexible way to extend org-capture and personalize the way you record various bits of information. This talk will cover how Jonathan uses org-capture and provide an intro to writing your own org-capture templates.
Harry Schwartz will be presenting on Searching the Web with engine-mode:
I probably spend about 75% of my programming time looking up documentation. That’s really easy in Emacs Lisp—my documentation is built into my editor–but in most other languages I’m not so lucky.
I wrote engine-mode to help fix this problem. It’s a simple minor mode that lets me define arbitrary search engines and send snippets of text to them from within Emacs. Now I don’t have to copy and paste text between my browser and editor! So fancy.
We’ll be talking about how to get started with engine-mode (it’s easy!) and then digging into the implementation and discussing the process of committing a package to MELPA.